3D Model: There is an old thread that supplied the 3D model for the PTN78020WAH module, but that model does not match the image of the board in the datasheet. Has this part changed, and if so is there an updated CAD model that can be provided? (Old 3D model attached below)
Thermal Design: I am doing the thermal design for a board that will be utilizing this module. There will be no airflow available, conduction is the only method of heat removal. I am trying to figure out if it will be better to attempt to pull heat from the main PCB via the mounting pegs, or to heat sink the top surface of the module. I suspect that a combination of both will be the most efficient, but I'd like to get more input. According to the datasheet, the module will dissipate upwards of 4W, so not having a heatsink is not an option. The project requirements are as follows:
- Max ambient temperature = 60C
- V_in = 28V ; V_out = 12V ; I_out_max = 5.24A