Hello E2E,
Using equation (4) on pg 27 of the datasheet, to achieve Fsw=500kHz, RT=166.2k. This is also reported by the TPS7H4001-SP Buck Converter Calculator spread-sheet.
However, the TPS7H4001-SP evaluation boards (multi & single channels) have RT=174K which equates to Fsw=480kHz, which is unexpected because per the datasheet multi-channel operation uses Fsw=500kHz.
Why does TI use RT=174k instead of something closer to 166k? There appear to be standard resistor values available close to 166k.
Our system will have both single channel and 2 channel (one master & one slave) instances of the TPSH4001-SP down-converting 5V to 0.95V (with very low ripple, noise & transient voltage targets), what RT resistance(s) do you recommend for these instances: single and 2 channel?
Thank you,