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TPS63001: TPS63001 heating issue at no load

Part Number: TPS63001

I have used TPS63001DRTR in my design.
Input Voltage- 4.2V  ( Li-Ion Battery)
Output voltage- 3.3V
I am facing heating issue of TPS63001 even if at no load condition. At no load it is consuming 295mA current.
I am not able to figure out the issue. 

  • Hi  Sujay,

    i donot find any issues about you schematic. may be some components damaged already? 

    could you show me what you did to try to fix this issue?



  • Hi Tao,
    TPS63001 was designed to supply power to nRF controller. 
    - Input power 4.2V (From battery) given to the regulator and its output was connected to nRF's VCC. When I connected the battery, I got 3.3V at output of regulator, nRF was also working, but the issue is it was drawing 300-315mA current and regulator getting heated.
    - Disconnected load (nRF) from the circuit and checked, the regulator was drawing 295mA current.

  • Hi   Sujay,

    may be you can replace chip with a new one, i think it is a quick way to check if this issue is caused by TPS63001.

    Additional, could you help to check input voltage is smaller than commended. i reallt do not know the test conditon and afraid a long cable between battery and regulator is exist, it will cause some high frequency spikes. or battery is full charged and have a higher voltage than you expect.

