Hello, I'm trying to energize a prototype with the LDO LP3874-ADJ. I'm using the following values:
R1 = 24K OHM 0.1% 1/16W (MPN: TNPW040224K0BEED)
R2 = 14K OHM 0.1% 1/16W (MPN: TNPW040214K0BEED)
Cin: (MPN: C0805C106K8RACTU)
Cout: (MPN:TPST106K016H0800)
Appliyig the Datasheet formula the Vo value should be 3.3V, and I'm having the following values
Vin = 5V
Vout = 0.37V
Device Marking: 2CE4 LHKB
Thank you and best regards.