We're using an LMZ31506RUQ to generate 1.0V from 5.0V - which it is doing - and then using the PWRGD output of that device to enable 2 LMZ31503RUQ's,1 LMZ31503RUQ, and 1 TPS7A8801RTJ. However, the outputs of these sequenced devices are a fraction of what is expected and the PWRGD output from the first LMZ31506RUQ is measuring 0.6V - not high enough to enable the devices. We're using a 68K pull-up resistor to 5V. There is one other device connected to this fanout of 4 devices - a 74LVC4245APW - which is configured as an input (although relies on the previously mentioned power circuitry to turn on). If connecting the PWRGD output to INH inputs that already contain pull up resistors, is adding an external pull up causing any potential issues? Any other thoughts? Perhaps the 74LVC4245APW is causing a voltage divider (5V side on, 3.3V side off), or there's defective device in the chain? Thank you