Hi TI,
I use the another MUC to implement programming TPS6521815 by I2C. There are some question I need to check.
1. How to elevate INT_LDO from 2.5V to 3.6V?
2. If I can elevate INT_LDO, next the address 0x26 needs to program value 0x0F. Could you please help to confirm the step is ok? .
Step1: 0x50, 0x1A, 0xCE written to the PASSWORD register
Byte_Write(0x10, 0x50);
Byte_Write(0x10, 0x1A);
Byte_Write(0x10, 0xCE);
Step2: unlock write protect of 0x26 address:
Byte_Write(0x10, 0x26 ^ 0x7D);
Step3: Write 0x0F to register 0x26:
Byte_Write(0x26, 0x0F);
Step4: Check bit 0 == "1" in register 0x01
uint8_t ret = Byte_Read(0x01);
Do this procedure of above OK or not?