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TPS22810: TPS22810DRVR PCN for MSL-2 to MSL-1

Part Number: TPS22810

Hi TI engineer,

I'm Junichi Komura of techinal support staff in Tokyo Electron Device.
We have question about TPS22810DRVR MSL update as MSL-2 to MSL-1.

Becasue our customer(NEC) received two types of MSL-1(DC:2137) & MSL-2(DC:2114) reels.
Latest datasheet has been updated MSL-1(on 28-Sep-2021),
but we have not received any PCN/Notification yet.

Due to inform this change to our customers(NEC and others),
we want to know when TI issus PCN for this update.
Or any advices please let us know.

Thanks and best regards,