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TPS61096A: Can TPS61096A be NO Switching when Device enable?

Part Number: TPS61096A

Hi Expert,

This is Koki Tsushima.

My customer wants to know how can be TPS61096A NO Switching when Device enable.

 Is this possible? If so, could you tell me how to do so?

I think this cannot be according to 7.4.2., but customer asked this because it was mentioned as follows.

6.4 "Iq_Vin Device enabled, no load, no switching".

Is this typo?

 -If it can be, could you tell me how to set that condition?


Koki Tsushima

  • Hi Koki-san,

    We cannot set the chip no switching when enable. If the output voltage is regulated, it will always switching because there is power loss in system. The chip will switch when the output voltage is lower than threshold voltage.

    For customer's concern, Iq is measured when device is enable, no switching. The chip is still switching, but just we measure Iq in the non-switch period.

    Best Regards,

    Eric Yue

  • Hi Eric-san,

    I understood that you measured Iq "in the non-switch period."

    But how did you do so?

     -like Vout is off and V at FB pin > Vref.

     -or like Hi-Z?

    I guess customer do not want to set for their EE, but just wants to know for measuring current.


    Koki Tsushima

  • Hi Koki,

    We always use an external power supply to force voltage at FB pin higher than Vref. This cannot be tested in the real applications. Thanks.

    Best Regards,

    Eric Yue