There are two phases to our project.
Stage 1 - Solar battery charger: A 2 volt solar panel is used as the input to the TPS61029 chip, and the output voltage is adjusted to 1.6 volts to charge a Ni-MH single cell in this mode.
The issue we're having in charging mode is that when the device is turned on without a load, it produces an output voltage of roughly 1.65 V, but when we attach a resistive load, the output voltage drops rapidly (around 500 mV) and the output current is very low ( around 70 mA ).
The chip isn't responding exactly as expected.
Stage 2: The TPS61029 chip's input will be a single cell Ni-MH battery (1.2 V), and the output will be tuned for driving high-power LEDs (2.7 V) in CC mode.
Problem: In mode 2 the output current is very low, at nearly 85 mA. In fact, a current output of at least 200 mA is required.