as per the given application notes for buck mode LM3424 DNP is written in front of Cout and also other elements what does DNP stand for ?
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as per the given application notes for buck mode LM3424 DNP is written in front of Cout and also other elements what does DNP stand for ?
fhoude Tuan Tran74 sir for buck application note given on page 55 in datasheet of LM342 Cout is given as DNP so doesn't it affect the performance can you elaborate reason of not using Cout in BUck application .secondly i want to know that since it is a constant current driver there is constant monitoring of current through load but i want to know how the voltage at load is being monitored or controlled is it just matter of Rload * Iload by which Vload gets automatically adjusted or there is Vload monitoring if so then how is it being implemented in BUCK circuit given in page 55 last thing i want to know about difference between floating ground and fixed ground circuit from where can i get fixed ground buck led driver circuit
Hello Vinay,
That is a typo on the data sheet and Cout should be 10uF capacitor.
The output current is being monitor by Rsns and the output voltage is strictly controlled by this current feeding back.
The circuit on page 55 is a floating ground Buck and you cannot use the LM3424 as a regular grounded Buck.
Thanks Tuan
Tuan Tran74 ifor Cfs on page 54 buck ckt its written DNP is it also typo or is it correct ?
You can use a 0.22uF there or leave it DNP...This is just a high frequencies filter cap and does not effect loop response much. If you design with it I would have a placement for that cap and use it if you need some high frequencies filtering.
Thanks Tuan