Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2678, LM2677
Hi Team, seek for some assistance.
LM2679SX-5.0/NOPB and it turns out that we may need to have an enable feature, which this part does not have. However, looking at the block diagram in page 9 of the datasheet, it seems there could be a way to use the soft start pin to enable the chip.
The block diagram shows that there is a 4.5uA current source hooked on the soft-start pin, to load the capacitor. Meanwhile, section 8.1.8 says the soft-start threshold is 0.63V. If we connect a 10k resistor to the soft-start pin, the 4.5uA would make a 45mV drop over that resistor, which is below the threshold, causing the chip to be disabled. Otherwise, leaving that pin open would enable the chip. A p-mosfet could be use to alternate between pin open and the 10k resistor.
Would that work without causing adverse effect on the chip ? Furthermore, is the 10k resistor needed, or can we tie the soft-start pin to ground directly ?
Hoping for your inputs.
Thank you.