I was using commonly available TP4056 for charging my 1000mAh LiPo. Someone suggested me to use TI's BQ21040 as it is more trusted.
I know that Lipo battery goes from 2.8V(0% SOC) to 4.2V(100% SOC) but I noticed a strange thing with both the charging ICs. Both the IC were able to charge from 3.2V to 4V in 1.5hr approx. But taking more than an hour to charge from 4V to 4.05V. ISET resistor in BQ21040 is 1Kohm, TS (temp sense pin) is pulled high. The schematic of BQ2140 circuit is exactly same as given in 1st page of datasheet. Charging is done with a mobile adapter 5V-1A.
I want to ask that is it normal for LiPo to charge extremely slowly above 4V? How do commercial devices show 100% charge within an hour when 100% = 4.2V i guess! Can someone help me to suggest any other simple IC like this (which comes in standalone form) or any improvement to be made in my current circuit to charge it fast. Currently spending 2+hrs in charging !
I was also thinking to let it charge till 4V and in my software map that 4V to 100% SOC and 3V to 0%. Is this method suitable?