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TPS62120 / TPS62122 for negative voltage ?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62120, TPS54040


I need to produce +5V @ 60mA and -5V @ 20 mA  from 15V.

The loads are not symmetrical so direct split-rail generation with a coupled inductor ( is not an option, or is it ?

A plan would be to use one TPS62120 for 15V -> 5V, and a second one for 5V -> -5V.



So I'd like to know if it's possible to use the TPS62120 to produce negative voltages ?


  • Yes, this is possible.  We hope to have some documentation on such a supply sometime over this summer.  Check the product page every few weeks to see when we get it out.

    You could do a split rail supply with the TPS54040.  The main issues with the unbalanced currents are start up and shut down possibly and load regulation.

    You could also use the TPS6040x charge pump to go from 5V to -5V.  This is the simplest solution.