We are seeing an intermittent error condition with the TPS65011, where it is essentially "stuck" in a state where all the converters are on but the MPU_RST line is never released so our processor never runs. This happens infrequently, but when it occurs there is no way to get past the problem without disconnecting the battery. It appears that battery charging is still working properly if the device is plugged-in to USB. Also, the voltages all seem to be correct.
Design details:
Device is charged through USB only
VMain is 3.3v, VCore is 1.8v, LDO1 is 1.2v (supplied by VCore)
Device is turned on with PB_ONOFF, or when attached to USB
Device is turned off by setting VDCDC1 bits 3 and 4, then raising LOW_PWR
The following pins are not used (unconnected): HOT_RESET, RESPWRON