I am using a BQ25505 in an energy harvesting application. For reasons specific to the application, I need to periodically remove the load applied to the energy harvester for ~200 ms before re-applying it, and I want to do this without changing the mode of operation of the BQ chip. The solution I have come up with is to put an SPDT analogue switch on the Vref_samp pin, with its COM terminal connected to Vref_samp, its NC terminal connected to a 10 nF capacitor (other end at GND), and its NO terminal connected to Vstor. So, when the switch is not activated I have a standard BQ configuration, but when the switch is activated Vref_samp is raised above Vindc and the DC-DC converter stops loading the source.
My question is: does this solution seem reasonable to you? I have tried it and it seems to work, but I am wondering if I am going to get caught out (as I have done in the past with this chip when straying from the App Note circuits!).
Many thanks.