I have some questions regarding the fast-trip function (refer to top of P18 in the DS)
These questions don't have answers in the datasheet, but are important for understanding system operation.
I understand that an "Enable-into-Short" = "Enable-into-Capacitive-Load" and both situations will limit the current to the set threshold after a small overshoot.
I understand the "fast-trip" only happens after the channel has already been enabled, and a sudden current spike (hot-short-to-GND) occurs.
1) How long after the channel is enabled before "fast-trip" is active? (there has to be some propagation delay)
2) What is the current spike? (i.e. 1.6x the set current limit)
3) The datasheet says the response-time is <1[us] (typically) - but what is the worst-case response time? 5[us]? 10[ms]?
4) The datasheet says the "channel is disabled" after the fast-trip. But what happens next?
Does the channel auto-retry? If it does, how long from getting shut-off before it tries to start-up again?
If there is auto-retry, then I assume on re-try it would revert to current-limiting/thermal-shutdown, instead of shutting down the channel, right?