We are considering an application for TPS274160.
For the sake of argument, let's consider only using 1CH (the other 3CH are disabled); in this case:
1) Let's assume DIAG_EN = 5V // EN = 0V // xST = LOW (reporting open-load fault)
a) From this state, how long after enabling the channel before the "LOW" reverts back to "Hi-Z"?
(Does it happen instantly on the rising-edge of the enable signal?)
2) I don't see any info on timings when DIAG_EN is brought from LOW -> HIGH while the channel is already enabled.
How long does it take for the diagnostics circuitry to "turn-on"?
Is this an allowable use-case?
3) One application we are considering this device for would just use a single channel (3-channels would be disabled)
For this application, we'd like to drive the EN and DIAG_EN signals together; so there is no open-load reporting when EN = LOW.
Are there any concerns related to this? It seems acceptable, but it is hard to understand priority/timing requirements.