In the Project we are developing we are designing two converter:
- LLC converter 400V to (40…60V) with the resonant tank already calculated and already tested @ lower Power.
- LLC converter (40V…60V) to (40V…60V) with the resonant tank still not calculated.
This second converter design is not finished because following the design guide from TI (slup263_TI.pdf), the calculated Lm is VERY LOW (around 0,5uH) in half brigde topology. If we move to full bidge, the LM value is a little bit higher but not so much. These values are not manufacturable. Using an EE core, if you remove one of both magnetic parts (E) of the core, the primary magnetizing inductance value is still higher than the one calculated.
We want to know if there are other resonant topologies better than LLC for that converter.
Thank you.