We are using a design like in 9.2.2 of the datasheet, a buck-boost to get Negative output voltage.
According to section 8.3.2 of the datasheet it says that the output can be adjusted from 1V up to a max. of 16V or slightly less than Vin, whichever is lower.
We wanted our output to be about -12.7V with a 12.6V input.
If I look again at 9.2.2, it shows the input from 9V to 24V and the output at -12V. Since abs[-12V] is > 9V in, does the statement in 8.3.2 of the datasheet apply?
Can I have a slightly higher output voltage (117k / 10k) Rfbt/Rfbb and have it work ok?
I can't find anything else that says the output has to be < then input.