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LM74202-Q1: power drop recovery

Part Number: LM74202-Q1
The question that we are trying to understand is why the Efuse does not attempt to restart after the current spike is gone but gets stuck at about 3 V output.  Two scenarios seem to cause the issue; the first shown in the scope plots is after the initial current spike. Our theory is that the current spike is from the bulk capacitance on the output charging up. We tried adding a PTC on the input.  It does reduce the spike but can cause the unit to make multiple attempts to actually turn on as shown here.
The above was taken at a supply voltage of 14V.  At 12V the unit is  never able to turn on.  Decreasing the cold resistance of the PTC brings the current spike back.
The second less consistent way to get the unit to lock up is to lower Vin by hand on the power supply until just before the UVLO kicks in.  Then raising the voltage back up results in the~3v output.
The current two questions that we need assistance on 1) why does the unit not retry after the current spike?  2) why does a slow slew rate cause a similar result?