We are using the LM5166x in a design which shows odd power off behavior.
This behavior makes LEDs briefly flash and flicker (but always the same pattern) when removing the power, which to us is undesirable.
The LM5166x is configured as follows:
When removing the power yields the following voltage on VCC:
The voltage over an LED (very similar):
VIN of the LM5166 (yellow) vs VCC (blue)
Note how the input voltage (+24V, yellow) falls and after a certain threshold rises again, to then slowly fall again.
VCC (blue) shows the spikes which correspond to the short flashes we see on the LEDs but then both VIN and VCC very slowly fall towards 0V, but never quite reach it.
Using the LM5166x in another project with different hardware yields the same behavior.
Thusfar the only fix we found was to increase the input capacitance but before going any of these band-aid routes, we are wondering what might cause these spikes and very slow decrease in voltage and if it pertains to the LM5166.