I want to use UCD3138 to control the LLC converter. Currently, frequency adjustment can be achieved based on sampling values, but during light load, burst mode debugging was not successful. Therefore, there are some questions that need help to be answered:
1. For resonance mode, the output of the filter has two values, one is the duty cycle and the other is the period. So, what value corresponds to the threshold of burst mode?
2. The following is the code for my burst mode. Please help me check if there are any issues.(The current code corresponds the threshold of burst mode to the duty cycle)
LoopMuxRegs.LLCTRL.bit.LL_FILTER_SEL = 0;
LoopMuxRegs.LLENTHRESH.bit.TURN_ON_THRESH = 10000;
LoopMuxRegs.LLDISTHRESH.all = 8000;
LoopMuxRegs.LLCTRL.bit.LL_EN = 1;
Although the filter output duty cycle is below the threshold, PWM still outputs normally.