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TPS2376-H: PD not getting past detection stage of PoE Handshake

Part Number: TPS2376-H

I have a custom designed PD using TPS2376-H.  I implemented only Mode B PoE whereby power can only be delivered over spare pins since this part will only go into my own system.  I have a switch that can operate in Mode B.  (Ultimately I am going to redesign PD to be fully compliant, but wanted to at least make sure my handshake worked on this rev).  However, when I plug ethernet in and scope the PoE output, I seem to be getting stuck in detect stage and never leave.    My detect resistor combined with UVLO resistors give 24.9k and I verified with meter.  Attached is my schematic for the PoE portion of the circuit.  I have auxiliary power diode-or'd in and have verified that the rest of my board works fine.  Have also used a PoE injector to just put power through my diode bridge and board works fine there as well.  PGOOD signal goes to DCDC enable.  A bit stuck on what to try next.  Also attached my scope screenshot of PoE signal.  It ramps up to 5V, then ramps again to 10V and repeats forever.  Switch I am using is GSD-504UP from Planet Tech.  Any help greatly appreciated.