Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR38010
Dear Experts,
--- Sorry I could not insert the proper part number LM38010S to the Part Number field because it gave me Part number "LM38010S " not recognized so I inserted another power product in order to stay under Power Management forum. ---
I would like to use LM38010S which has PFM capability for light load and normal for higher loads, so basically the auto mode version.
My question is how the IC decides when to switch from PFM to PWM is it based on the sensing of discontinuous conduction mode
or this there something else?
Actually checking the efficiency curve I do not see difference for higher current so it could stay also in PFM till the max current, right?
Please the the plot:
The purpose of my question is because I want to choose the inductor for my application and since the typical current consumption won't be higher than 0.3A
I am wondering how big the inductor should be. I checked the equation in the in datasheet and for Ioutmax=0.5A, k=0,5,fsw=400k,vin=52V,vout=11V
it yielded 86uH which I would like to reduce it since most of the time the buck will work in PFM anyway. The webench and datasheet table 9.1 gives me 68uH
but I am wondering if I can still go under this value and how much to reduce the size of the inductor or it's not worth?
Thanks for you answer in advance,
Andras Magyar