Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS922052, TPS922054, TPS922053
One of my customer is working on TPS922055 based LED drvier & facing strange issue. Driver is working ok in normal use casebut when driver is in off state at that time there is a leakage of 50 to 60uA current & becuase of this LED is not switching off completly.
Cusotmer has varified on EVM as well apart from their on board & in both the cases they found this leakge current. What is the solution for the same? & Is it becuase of current sense path or through MOSFET path?
Input Voltage - 16 to 33V
Output Configuration - 12V approx / 2 to 3A.
Application - Strobe light for Fire Panels. (20mSeocnds ON & 980 mSeconds OFF)/ (flashing every 1 seconds for 20 mseconds)m when falult occurs. In normal scenario driver will be OFF state.
Issue - In OFF state LEDs are slightly glowing becuase of leakge current.
Need help for the same.