Hi team,
My customer is considering to use this device and has a question about the current limit.
In the datasheet, it says
"If the DRAIN current exceeds IDOCP (~33% higher than ID_PEAK(max)), such as when IPK pin is shorted to GND, or VCSTE_OCP / RIPK, (VCSTE_OCP ~33% higher than VCSTE(max)), and the condition is sensed for three consecutive switching cycles, a fault shutdown and retry sequence, detailed in the output overvoltage fault description, occurs."
If the swtching frequency is 35kHz, will the delay be about 28.5usx3=85.7us?
Also, could you check if my understanding is correct?
Ipk: Current limit threshold to move to Constant Current mode
I_DOCP: if exceed this for 3 cycle, the device will shut down
I_DOCP2: if exceed this, device will shut down imediately