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BQ24295: BQ24295 2.2mA leakage current

Part Number: BQ24295


The customer design with BQ24295, The J20 position in the figure is connected to the battery. When is not charging (the J21 pin is not connected to an external 5V power supply), the system is turned off and there is no load connected to the BAT+ position. use the default value. 

Use a multimeter to connect the positive pole of the battery to the J20-PIN1 pin (that is, BAT+ in the figure below) in series, and find that the battery has a current of 2.2mA. This leakage is too large.

How to reduce this leakage current.

Waiting for your reply.



  • Hi Star, 

    Leakage current should not be so high. Referring to the BQ24295 datasheet page 7 the quiescent current at BAT pin should be a maximum of 55 uA when only battery is connected to the BQ24295 IC. 

    Is the customer using a method that can accurately measure low currents in the uA range? The wires connecting the multimeter in series to the battery path are likely adding parasitic resistance as well. I recommend they measure current with a sense resistor or a sourcemeter instead. 

    I also recommend the customer double check to confirm they have no additional load connected at either BAT or SYS. To properly measure the leakage of the IC it must be completely isolated from the rest of their system. 

    Best Regards,
