Hello, dear support team,
I need your help in using LM5008 to regulate input voltage 20V to 90V into 15V.
To have power up/down sequencing, considering that I do not want to use any transistor in this circuit, I am planning to disable the chip using a schottky diode connected to the power good of another regulator, as shown below.
My concern here is reverse current of that schottky diode when the PG high level voltage is 5V and as stated in the datasheet RT/SD pin is 1.5V to 3V. In case we have high temperature and the diode reverse current goes high, for example to 1mA, what will happen?
I am not sure how much current will go to RT/SD pin and where should this current go, it may reduce the current passing through R547, but probably will affect the switching on time and frequency as well.
Many thanks,