I'm using TPS566238PEVM for my design which has the next specifications:
Vin=3.3V or 12V
Datasheet explain how to select input capacitor for my IC, you must use the equation I show you below where fsw=600khz according datasheet, Vin=3.3V (worst case) and I assume a Vinripple=0.1V. So the result is to implement a Cin(min)=4.6uF
However, I have simulated my circuit in webench and it recommends me to implement two capacitors: one of 0.1uF (which I agree because it will response faster to current demands from IC) and another one of 47uF (which I disagree, in my opinion this value is too big and footprint will be affected. According to datasheet,10 uF capacitor would be enough). Webench is assuming a Vinp-p=23.66mV that it is more optimistic than my assumption so I don't understand why it set 47uF for input capacitor.
I show you webench solution, I have modified inductor and output capacitor that it recommended to me according to datasheet recommendation:
Thank you in advance.