We are using BQ40Z80EVM-020 for our learning cycle.
Spec sheet of battery used is attached along with this. (3 cell configuration)
Programmed the bqIC with the chem ID provided earlier (based on the cell used).
Started the learning cycle based on this with initial discharge condition.
Term voltage - set as 9 V (3 V* 3 cells)
Maximum design voltage - 12.6 V(4.2 *3)
At the time of discharge VOK bit was not set and RDIS was set, but after discharge and relax phase RDIS bit was cleared , but Lstatus remained the same and Qmax table was not updated.
0184.Sony_VTC5A_Specification_Sheet (1).pdf
This condition is mentioned in the learning cycle manual, so with the values provided above, will this condition be met.
Also the values other than parameters to be configured was automatically updated after programming the chemID.(like CUV ,CUVC).
Will the discharge cycle not be completed due to this.
Also what is the impact of cell balancing in discharging-relax-charging process in learning cycle.
Please support on this.