Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65981, , TPS65987D, HD3SS460, TUSB1064, TPS65987DDJ, TPS65987DDK, TPS65987
I am attempting to get a working demo going for a DP1.4 sink and 100W PD source Type-C UFP for use in a docking application. I have a TPS65987DJEVM and managed to get one of the (discontinued) 10G-EXPANSION kits. From reading a few other forums on TI E2E, it sounds like the default UFP demo for the TPS65987D___ in the "TPS65981_2_6_7_8 Application Customization 6.1.3 tool" should work. However, I am not able to receive a DP1.4 stream from my laptop. I haven't focused on the 100W PD source part yet; I need to get DP ALT mode working first.
I'm using the DisplayPort Sink expansion board, and I am providing external power via an OTS charging brick. I see that the HPD LED indicator, as well as power LED indicators are on.
I then took a closer look at the default UFP demo and noticed that the crosspoint/de-mux control signals look more suited for the TUSB1064, but the 10G-EXPANSION DisplayPort Sink card looks like it has a HD3SS460 (I don't have schematics or a user guide for the expansion card). From the datasheets of these parts, it looks like the TUSB1064 is expecting FLIP, CTL0, and CTL1 control signals, while the HD3SS460 is expecting POL, AMSEL (3-level), and EN (3-level) control signals. I then visually followed the traces on the 10G-EXPANSION and compared them to the pinout on the B2B connector and the TPS65987DJEVM schematics to find that that:
TPS65987D GPIO0 <-> SSMX_DP LED <-> HD3SS460 EN
I tried modifying the default UFP demo as follows, and was able to receive a DP1.4 sink stream, but only with one USB-C cable orientation.
Could you help me configure this demo properly? Or at least provide a working .pjt or .bin file so that we can get a working demo going and move on to schematic capture. We will likely use the TUSB1064 instead of the HD3SS460 because it has a redriver, but we would still like to get a working proof-of-concept before selecting the TPS65987D for our application.