Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61023, TLV61070A, TPS61020
Hi support team,
I would like to calculate IOUT to shift to PFM.
Does it shift to PFM when the inductor valley current is 0A?
Calculating with the following conditions, when IOUT is 0.074A, the inductor valley current will be 0A.
Is 0.074A the IOUT to shift to PFM?
VIN = 5.3V
VOUT= 5.5V
IOUT= 0.074A
η = 0.85
L = 2.2μH
fSW = 2400kHz
Duty = 0.18
IL(DC) = 0.09A
ΔIL(P-P) = 0.18A
IL(Valley) = IL(DC) - ΔIL(P-P)/2 = 0A