Hello Team,
Good day
We are using TPS628502-Q1 part in our design for 3.3V to 1.2V conversion. We have a requirement that output voltage ripple should be less than 6mV. But while measuring in DSO we are getting around 12mV pk to pk ripple voltage across output capacitor. Can provide any feedback or suggestion how we can improve ripple voltage across output.
Below parameters are considered in our design:
1. Vin = 3.3V
2. Vout = 1.2V
3. Cin = 4.7uF (2 Nos.) + 0.1uF (1 Nos.)
4. MODE pin tied to VCC
5. COMP/FSET pin tied directly to GND
6. Cout = 22uF (2Nos.) + 0.1uF (1 Nos.)
7. Rfb1 = 10Kohm & Rfb2 = 10Kohm, Cff = 10pF
Let us know how we can improve ripple voltage to 6mV or less.
Thanks & Regards
Subham PradhanRipple Voltage Test_1.2V.pdf