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TPS543320: Enable voltages

Part Number: TPS543320

Hi TI.

We are using a voltage divider from Vin to GND to control the Enable pin, and has calculated values to stop at 9.25V (Nom) and start at 10.1V (nom).

The start value is quite precise but the device doesn't stop until Vin is at 6.9V. 

In the datasheet equation 1 and 2 calculates the resistors to be used. We did not use this, be relied on the Ven values. This has given us R_top=200k and R_bottom =27k

I wanted to recalculate using equation 1 and 2, but the equations mentions two costant current sources Ip and Ih, but the values for them are not given anywhere in the schematic.

Can you help with this?

BR Henrik Buhl

  • Hi Henrik,

    You can find the Ip and Ih value here in the EC table.

    Ip=1.5uA(typ) and Ih+Ip=11.6uA(typ).

    Also you can use the calculator for TPS543320 on for easy calculation.

    For 9.25V Vstop and 10.1V Vstart, you can calculate the EN divider resistor as below. Rtop=0.81k and Rbot=0.11k.

    For R_top=200k and R_bottom =27k, you can calculate the Vstop is indeed 6.9V as your test.

    Thank you for your reaching out. The Ip and Ih should be labeled more clear in the datasheet.

  • Hi Athos.

    Thanks for fast reply. I was really helpful.

