BQ76940 AFE has Internal CC VREF for Current sense voltage reference but in the datasheet, not mentioned what is the actual CC VREF Value.
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Hello Rohsik,
We are not able to open google drive files. You'd need to upload the file here.
Yes, this value is not provided in the datasheet. You can read the Embedded Scheduler in Cell Battery Monitor of the bq769x0 app note to see how the ADC works. We would not able to share the VREF value itself.
Best Regards,
Luis Hernandez Salomon
Hi Luis,
I checked in Embedded Scheduler in Cell Battery Monitor of the bq769x0 this document about AFE VREF but there is no information about this value, why do I need this VREF, I need to find the current measurement ADC accuracy calculation for my design.
Hello Rohsik,
For current accuracy, I would recommend to read this older E2E I wrote about it:
The current accuracy can be estimated with datasheet-provided values. I do not believe the CC VREF would help much in this case.
Best Regards,
Luis Hernandez Salomon