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BQ78350: Incorrect EDV calculation on an 8S pack

Part Number: BQ78350R2


we obtained the CEDV parameters from the GPC calculator evaluating a 4S pack.

We are also doing another pack based on bq78350-R2 with an 8S layout, and since the relative discharge load  is quite similar to that of the 4S we thought to adopt the same GPC report.
Is this correct ?

In a previous post someone of you wrote about the potential issues related to the gauge internal calculation that may hit an overflow dealing with big packs because of Maxint: does this apply also to an 8S pack ?

I'm asking this because I see the pending EDV weirdly calculated:
- the pack is at 21%
- with all 8 cells at about 3450mV
- pending EDV reported around 3300mV (make sense)
- under a soft load of about 30W, I see all of a sudden EDV2 and EDV1 to be set and RSOC to drop to 3% without no reason because cells are still healthy

From GPC, a 4S2P pack, we obtained this:
EMF    3726    
EDVC0    519    
EDVC1    0    
EDVR1    1    
EDVR0    161    
EDVT0    1969    
EDVTC    11

How do we scale them for an 8S1P ? and an 8S2P ?

Can you shed a light on this ?
Do I need to remake the pack characterization using the 8S pack to have a better result from GPC?

Thanks in advance
