We implemented an oring circuit that can connect 4 batteries parallelly. The Oring aspect works great. But we are running into issues with enabling/disabling the circuit. I tried pulling the EN pin low, high, floating, nothing seems to make a difference. The circuits remain ON no matter what. Please see one of the 4 oring circuits below:
However, we have another Oring connected in the opposite direction. That allows current to flow in the opposite direction, if we wanted. The enabling/disabling of this oring circuit works fine some how.
The only major difference between the two circuits are the output capacitors. C161 is an electrolytic capacitor, whereas C89, C90, C91 are ceramic capacitor. But I don't think that should make any difference. I even tried swapping the C161 for a ceramic capacitor of the same value. It didn't make a difference. For some reason, the first oring circuit remains ON all the time.
Any ideas as to could be causing this behaviour?