We've been using the BQ25703A for charging 2S Li-Ion batteries, with the CHRG_OK pin pulled up to 3.3V via a 10Kohm resistor as recommended by TI, to indicate whether the charger is connected or if the device is in battery-only mode.
Given the importance of power efficiency for our battery-powered application, we've noticed that the 10Kohm resistor leads to a 330uA current draw, which could significantly impact the system's standby life. We're considering increasing the pull-up resistance to 1Mohm to reduce the current draw to approximately 3.3uA, aiming to extend the battery's off-shelf life.
Are there any limitations or potential issues with increasing the pull-up resistor value to 1Mohm for the CHRG_OK pin, or is this change likely to be safe for our application?