So, very long story short, we inherited a manufacturing process from someone else for a battery pack. It has recently come to our attention that something is wrong with the way we are setting everything up and no one exists from the people we inherited this process from and the person who actually set up our process is no longer at the company so we're attempting to recreate things basically from scratch (both of those entities were notoriously bad at 'documentation'). So with that out of the way...
We have a Golden file. However, while research this I discovered there is something called a .senc file and there are different battery chemistry IDs that can be used. That Chemistry ID does not appear to be contained with the .gg file so... is that in the .senc file? Do we also need to be programming that in from some sort of master image? This is my first stab at looking at battery configurations in this much detail so I don't even know enough to fully know what I don't know, which is always fun.
Our basic steps right now are
1) Assemble pack
2) Program .gg file
3) Update SN\MFG date
4) Calibrate system
5) Seal system
6) Charge to 30% SoC, put to sleep and store it
So my questions are:
Should we be inserting an "Update Chem ID" step in there?
Can I take a blank board, update it's Chem ID and then read it to generate a default ".senc" file that I then load onto other boards at some point? Is that the best way to do that?
I'm also pretty sure we're still using the chip default for the unseal command. If I change that on a system does that also get stored in the .senc file? Also, how do I change the unseal command?
I realize this is a super old chip but hopefully the generals are similar enough to newer chips that someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!