A battery fault information is transmitted from the data transmission center, and cells 216 and 217 become high and low respectively. What’s puzzling is that their rises and falls are very similar. Since I couldn't get any more information on the battery, the battery system did send warnings of inconsistencies and cell overvoltage.
What’s even more incredible is that another car also had a similar signal.
The two faulty cells are one high and one low and fluctuate continuously. To the best of my knowledge this is definitely not a fault with the battery as it seems to be happening so regularly. I guess it is a sensor problem, and part of the reason may be the topological connection of the voltage measurement, such as a voltage sensor measuring two cells. But it still cannot explain why the voltage of the monomer is still changing. Since no more disassembly and prognosis information is available, I hope you can provide some guesses about this bizarre situation.