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BQ21040: CHG Pin Doesn't go Hi-Z at EOC

Part Number: BQ21040

I was struggling with a different charger IC, so I switched over to the BQ21040DBVR.  Right now it is Deadbugged and mod wired in place of the original charger IC.

The target is to charge a Sparkfun PRT-13851 battery with a USB connector as the VIN and monitor the charge status with an ATTINY88.

I have logged the charge and it looks like it is charging the battery fine but when the charge current gets below 10% of the Fast Charge current, the CHG does not go from LOW to Hi-Z as it should.  However, if I unplug the charger and plug it back in, CHG goes into Hi-Z state.

This is a similar problem that I was having with the previous IC so there is likely a common problem that I have no idea how to fix.

Here is a simplified version of the schematic that shows the value choices and the interface with the ATTINY88.


Since the CHG pin has a light pull-up to VIN, I feel like I need to divide the signal down to 3.3V levels so I don't fry the ATTINY88 pin with 5V.  I simulated the resistor configuration on EasyEDA, and it should put the correct voltages for VINH and VINL.

Is this the correct way to interface with a processor?

Is there something else that I am missing?
