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TPS53659: TPS53659

Part Number: TPS53659

There is NVM checksum problem happed when burning code with IC progranmer,

I had few question need to ask.

1. The burning file was created by TI Fusion design tool with PMBus Programming socket adapter board, but use IC program to burning this file, then we got 0x9E mismatch. The code checksum is 0xA3D24D6A but calculation one is 0xA0D16DA8. is it releate to the pin status of ic programmer? if yes, how can I get the match checksum if I must to use the ic programmer?

2.What's the releate register of the code checksum(0x9E)

3.When will 0x9E be update?

  • Hi Jessie, 

    Our team will get back to you. 

    Best Regards, 

    Dhanya Prem

  • Hi Jessie,

    0x9E Will update whenever you make changes to PMBUS registers and store them to NVM.

    Can you please give me the following information:
    1) What is the file format that you used with i2c programmer(.xml/.csv/.hex)? 
    2) After making changes to file with fusion tool and PMBUS adapter export the file and try re-burning the file into device with TI Fusion tool and PMBUS Adapter? Did you get any issues?

    3) Did you make changes to the file in offline-mode before burning it into the device using i2c programmer? This will not change NVM registers if you update the file in offline mode, then you will get checksum error.

    Best Regards,

  • Can you please give me the following information:
    1) What is the file format that you used with i2c programmer(.xml/.csv/.hex)? 

    I use .xml formal.

    2) After making changes to file with fusion tool and PMBUS adapter export the file and try re-burning the file into device with TI Fusion tool and PMBUS Adapter? Did you get any issues?

    Currently, I still borrow this adapter from TI engineer, so I don't know the answer.

    3) Did you make changes to the file in offline-mode before burning it into the device using i2c programmer? This will not change NVM registers if you update the file in offline mode, then you will get checksum error.

    I use the Fusion tool to load the file in offline mode, the checksum is correct, after I load it in chip and burning to the NVM, then read out, the checksum is mismatch with the file,(I use TI USB interface adapter + QFN socket, The QFN socket pin had confirm as below table by jump wire and add some RC component ) , is it cause by 0xD8? because I had compare the burn file and read out data, the difference shows at below table, the nvm releate data only 0xD8 is difference with the burn file.

    4) Does 0xD8 will be effect by pin status or just burning file? because if I use ic programmer, there are many pins didn't be connect as table2.

  • Hi Jessie,

     0XD8 should not get affected by burning the file. Try to load the file using Fusion tool in Online mode. If the PMBus adapter is not available, please Can you try with .hex file using i2c programmer. Let us know if you face the same issue with .hex file also.

    Best Regards,