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TPS25983: 24V bus operation, with 10% tolerance

Part Number: TPS25983


The TPS25983 has recommended operation up to VIN=26V.

The application has an input bus of 24V+/-10%, therefore the upper limit is 26.4V.

Clearly this is 400 mV above the upper recommended limit.

However, the parametric search table also lists "Vabsmax_cont" as 30V for this part.

Any reliability concerns with operating this part at 26.4V?

Thanks, -Steve

  • Hi Steve,

    From reliability of part side, there is no concern as the device is still within the absolute maximum.

    There shouldn't be any issue if the device only goes to >26V for transients. In case of continuous >26V operation, device's some functionality can be unexpected. Like your current limit accuracy, etc.

    I hope this answers your question. Click resolved if no follow up question.

    Best Regards,

  • Arush-

    The issue is that 26.4V could be a continuous case when the power supply applied is 24V+10%.

    Clearly this out outside the "Recommended" range, so the spec's can't be guaranteed, or rather the custome will be on their own- is that what you're suggesting?


  • Hi Steve,

    Yes, TI only perform ATE testing of each device for recommended operating range and hence specs cannot be guaranteed. Customer can evaluate the device and since this is very near the range limit, functionality should be fine. Also, since this is not violating the abs max so damage shouldn't happen to the device.

    Best Regards,