Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25628, BQ24296M
To show initially, these two snippets are of the registers and faults when the battery is NOT connected.
VINDPM- Dynamic Power Management, In Voltage: 4.36V IINLIM- Input Current Limit: 3.00A Register reset: 0 I2C Watchdog Timer Reset: Normal OTG Enabled: OTG Disable Charge Enabled:: Charge Enable SYS_MIN - Minimum System Voltage Limit:: 3.10V Boost_Lim: 1 A ICHG - FastCharge Current Limit: 2048mA Set Boost Mode Temperature monitor threshold voltage to disable boost mode: 76% Force 20PCT: ICHG as Fast Charge Current and IPRECH as Pre Charge Current Pre-Charge/Termination Current Control Register: 128mA Iterm - termination current limit: 129mA VREG - Charge Voltage Limit: 4.21V Battery Low Voltage: 2.8 V Battery Recharage Threshold: 300 mV Fast Charge Timer Setting: 12 hrs Charging Safety Timer Enable: 1 WATCHDOG: 40s Charging Termination Enable: 1 Thermal Regulation Threshold: 120 C Set Boost Mode temperature monitor threshold voltage to disable boost mode Voltage to disable boost mode: 33% of REGN BOOSTV- Boost Voltage: 5.00V BATFET turned on VBUS_STAT: Adapter Port CHRG_STAT: Pre-Charging DPM_STAT: VINDPM or IINDPM PG_STAT: Power Good ThERM_STAT: Normal VSYS_STAT: In VSYSMIN regulation (BAT < VSYSMIN) No Faults
And as well when the battery is connected.
The device is plugged in to a power source and no registers are manually changed in these snippets.
Thermal Shutdown: StatPin:0 VINDPM- Dynamic Power Management, In Voltage: 4.36V IINLIM- Input Current Limit: 3.00A Register reset: 0 I2C Watchdog Timer Reset: Normal OTG Enabled: OTG Disable Charge Enabled:: Charge Enable SYS_MIN - Minimum System Voltage Limit:: 3.10V Boost_Lim: 1 A ICHG - FastCharge Current Limit: 2048mA Set Boost Mode Temperature monitor threshold voltage to disable boost mode: 76% Force 20PCT: ICHG as Fast Charge Current and IPRECH as Pre Charge Current Pre-Charge/Termination Current Control Register: 128mA Iterm - termination current limit: 129mA VREG - Charge Voltage Limit: 4.21V Battery Low Voltage: 2.8 V Battery Recharage Threshold: 300 mV Fast Charge Timer Setting: 12 hrs Charging Safety Timer Enable: 1 WATCHDOG: 40s Charging Termination Enable: 1 Thermal Regulation Threshold: 120 C Set Boost Mode temperature monitor threshold voltage to disable boost mode Voltage to disable boost mode: 33% of REGN BOOSTV- Boost Voltage: 5.00V BATFET turned on VBUS_STAT: Adapter Port CHRG_STAT: Fast Charging DPM_STAT: VINDPM or IINDPM PG_STAT: Power Good ThERM_STAT: In Thermal Regulation VSYS_STAT: Not in VSYSMIN regulation (BAT > VSYSMIN) No Faults
The issue I am having is that I cannot figure out what is causing the BQ24259 to run extremely hot in normal operation. When the battery is solely connected, with no charging the IC is physically getting hot to the touch.
Then when the IC is also being charged by connecting my adapter, the IC gets extremely hot to the touch, to the point of possible burns. As well the BQ is reporting Fast Charging via the registers, but it is pulling less than 200 mA without actively cooling(blowing on the IC). Is this normal behavior for the IC? I do not see any mention of requiring active cooling in order to reach any charging above 200 mA. By simply blowing air onto the IC I was able to reach around 1.4A of charging, which is near my ILIM limit by resistance (1.5A).
Side question: is there a way to get around the thermistor requirement? I understand I can use a resistor in place to spoof the thermistor, but is there is a register or something along the lines that would be a simple bypass that would be appreciated.
Below is the schematic for reference.