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BQ25672: Unable to charge battery with battery protection circuit.

Part Number: BQ25672



We are experiencing a similar issue. If we deplete our battery to the point where its shutdown circuit disables the battery output. We can charge indefinitely and the battery never recovers.

The battery voltage sits at approximately 2V.
The Vsys voltage sits at approximately 6.9V. 

Our system uses a 2S battery.

The part marking is as follows:
TI 288 <-- the 8s here could be Bs, its hard to tell

After reading the previous person's post about their issues. I am wondering if there have been any resolutions to this problem?

Does the layout affect the frequency or severity of the problem?

Are there any work arounds that do not involve changing the registers to trick the device into thinking it has a 3S battery?


  • Hello Jason,

    I gathering more information. I will provide an update after I gather more information.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Jason,

    Yes, this looks similar to the previous post. We've update our testing procedure to screen out chargers with this issue.

    I recommend requesting replacement ICs through the vendor (or TI) from whom you purchased the ICs.   

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Christian,

    I'm a little confused... were these procedures updated a couple years ago when the issue was originally posted or you've updated the procedures today when I raised the issue? These chips were purchased within the last month or two.

    How can I be guaranteed that I'm not going to get chips with the same issue? 

    Should I request a date code that is newer than a certain date?


  • Hello Jason,

    No, These procedures have updated within the last few months, I am not able to track down an exact date. However This unit could have been out before the test procedure changes were implemented.

    How can I be guaranteed that I'm not going to get chips with the same issue? 

    Should I request a date code that is newer than a certain date?

    We can't guarantee this will resolve the problem, but based on you description we think this issue is similar to a previous issue that has been resolved by changing the test procedure.

    Should I request a date code that is newer than a certain date?

    I recommend ordering the newest one that you can.

    Best Regards,
