The CSD25480F3 is speced to handle -10.6 [A] of pulsed drain current. A "pulse" is defined as ≤100 μs, duty cycle ≤1%. I am using the Unencrypted Pspice model of the CSD25480F3 in a fast switching circuit, and the CSD25480F3 is providing pulsed drain currents of -3.3 [A] that last 3.3 [ns] in duration and have a 20% duty cycle. Given the above definition of a pulse, will this MOSFET be able to handle these current pulses?
Along with the above question, I am also biasing the CSD25480F3 at exactly Vds = -20 [V]. Given that -20 [V] is the absolute maximum rating of the device, will the CSD25480F3 be able to reliably withstand this voltage?
Thank you!