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TPS6521815: On board programming

Part Number: TPS6521815
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65218, USB2ANY, IPG-UI


Hi team,

Our customer is considering installing a blank TPS65218 and then programming it on-board.
If VIN_BIAS is set to 5V and USB2ANY is connected via I2C, is it possible to program it on-board?

Best regards,

  • Hi Kobayashi-san,

    You will need I2C communication to be active on the PMIC in order to send the programming password commands. This requires that the PMIC be in the ACTIVE state.

    If apply 5V on IN_BIAS and pull PWR_EN pin HIGH during the wakeup window, the device should enter ACTIVE state. Since this is a blank EEPROM by default, you will not see any output voltage but the device will still be in ACTIVE state.

    From there, you can change your register settings and send the password commands to commit the changes to EEPROM memory. This should change the PMIC outputs in real time. The PMIC will not wait for a power cycle to use the new settings.

    In this way, programming on-board is possible, but if you need a specific power up sequence for your system it may be safer to program off-board first so that the power up is predictable.



  • Hi James,

    The data is written from IPG-UI via USB2ANY, but the password is sent automatically from IPG-UI, right?

    All registers are set using Write All from IPG-UI, but will the sequence be as set, or will they all be output at the same time?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kobayashi-san,

    Yes, the password is handled automatically by IPG-UI.

    The registers are written in numerical order. The PMIC doesn't have a way to know which registers were changed first so it just writes all registers starting from the top.

