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LP87642Q1EVM: Establish Communication with Prodigy Analyzer

Part Number: LP87642Q1EVM



I am currently working with a Prodigy SPMI Analyzer/Exerciser and aim to utilize it as an SPMI Master to establish communication with the Evaluation Board LP87642Q1EVM.

Specifically, I intend to perform the following tasks:

  • Send commands to put the evaluation board into sleep mode and subsequently wake it up.
  • Adjust and set the voltage levels on the evaluation board.

I would appreciate any guidance or instructions you could provide to assist me in accomplishing these tasks.

Thank you for your support.

  • Hi,

    Send commands to put the evaluation board into sleep mode and subsequently wake it up.

    You can set the PMIC in low power mode by setting LPM_EN to 1. For details you can refer to datasheet . 

    Adjust and set the voltage levels on the evaluation board.

    One the device is powered up and connected with some interface and working fine then you can adjust the output voltage levels via BUCK1_VOUT_1 ( BUCK1_VSET1) registers at 0xE address. Similarly, you can change the voltage for BUCK2 and 3 and 4 via BUCKx_VOUT_1 registers. 

