I am incorporating a BQ25756 into a standalone charger only for 4 series 26650 Li-Ion cells, 3.2V, 9.6WH. Charging set to 2A (ICHG = 24.9k). Charging on/off controlled via CE line. Charger is put into low power "dormant" mode by driving ILIM-HIZ to +5V otherwise this pin is tied to ground through a 3.92k resistor.
Issue: the charge current is only a clean DC during part of the final charge, otherwise the charge current appears to be ripple between near 0A and 2A and not a straight DC.
Can this part operate as a standalone charger or am I missing something? Do I need to setup any registers in order to operate in standalone? Can the charger be enabled and disabled via the CE line? If I enable and disable charging using the ILIM-HIZ line, does that change any setup registers? No matter what I try I can't to get it to give me a DC charge current.