- We use the bq27426 in your EVB and the battery management studio .
Only Battery is connected to Evb and I2c cable and there is no load connected,
The FG is in sleep mode according to the battery management studio (Flag status) .You can see attached Pic.1.
We measure the input current of your EVB with a current logger connected in series to the battery and I disconnect the cable of the I2c from EVB.
In this condition we see that the Fuel Gauge generates a current consumption pulse every 48 sec (width of 1sec), and several other pulses . The pulses are of around 240uA. You can see the attached Pic. 2.
According with the TR page 10 its mentioned :
During SLEEP mode, the fuel gauge remains in a very-low-power idle state and automatically wakes up briefly every 20 seconds to take data measurements.
So I understand that every 20 second the FG wakes up to measure voltage, average current and temperature, my question is this happens in one operation (one pulse current) or in 3 steps (3 pulses).
In addition when we send to the Fuel Gauge the ShutDown command, the pulse disappears.
Can you explain the reason of these pulses that i received?
Is this an expected behavior?
2. According to data sheet page 5, section 6.5- Supply Current table and about note (2) how I can deactivate the wake comparator to be able to obtain 9uA consumption. You can see attached Pic 3.